UK invites India’s young women to be High Commissioner for a Day

Suneetha Malkani

Aug 29 2024

<div style=' background:#null;color:#null;font-family:null;width:auto;padding:5px;max-height:100%;'><span><h3>UK Opens Doors for India’s Young Women to Experience Diplomatic Leadership for a Day</h3><p>The British High Commission is providing Indian women aged 18 to 23 with an exceptional chance to experience the role of a leading UK diplomat for a day.</p><p><b>Source:&nbsp;</b>British High Commission New Delhi</p><p><b>Date:</b> 23 August 2024&nbsp;</p><p>In observance of the International Day of the Girl Child, the British High Commission is extending an invitation to Indian women within the age range of 18 to 23 to immerse themselves in the responsibilities of a UK diplomat for a day.</p><p>This initiative, dubbed the "High Commissioner for a Day" competition, encourages young women across India to demonstrate their leadership abilities and innovation on a global stage.</p><p>To enter, applicants need to submit a one-minute video answering the question: “How can the UK and India collaborate in technology to benefit future generations?”</p><p>Participants should post their video on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, tagging '@UKinIndia' and including the hashtag '#DayOfTheGirl'.</p><p><b>The deadline for all entries is set for 4 September 2024</b>.</p><p>Additionally, applicants must complete an online submission form to validate their entry.&nbsp; The form may be accessed here:&nbsp;</p><p> =</p><span></div><a href='null'><div><img height='400px' width='auto;' class='img_dynaPost' src='/BlitzMobiImages/consumers/company551995499/mediafiles/3p2Rk4zR548.tmp'/></div></a><div style=' background:#null;color:#null;font-family:null;width:auto;padding:5px;max-height:100%;'><span><p style="transition-property: all;">Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India, remarked:<br style="transition-property: all;"></p><p style="transition-property: all;"></p><p style="transition-property: all;">"The landmark UK-India Technology Security Initiative, agreed upon by our two nations, outlines an ambitious plan for how we will collaborate on the pivotal technologies of this decade. The UK has been a trailblazer in several technological breakthroughs, from the discovery of graphene to the design of the semiconductor chips in smartphones, and is currently at the forefront of developing AI in a safe and ethical manner. India is equally driving global tech innovations, with achievements ranging from mobile banking advancements to groundbreaking space exploration. By uniting our brightest minds, we can achieve incredible outcomes."</p><p style="transition-property: all;">"The High Commissioner for a Day Competition offers a unique platform for the next generation of women leaders to share their visions for global change. As the first woman to serve as the British High Commissioner to India, this cause is personally significant to me, and I encourage every eligible young woman to tap into her creativity and submit her brightest ideas."</p><p style="transition-property: all;"><br style="transition-property: all;"></p><p style="transition-property: all;">Find more details at this URL: </p><span></div>

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