<div style=' background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font-size:15px;font-family:Verdana;width:auto;padding:5px;max-height:100%;'><span><p><p>Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese concept of placement that links man and environment. Feng<br>Shui literally means “wind and water”. This philosophy of Feng Shui is to ensure that the<br>contrary forces of Yin and Yang allow people to live in harmony with their surroundings.<br>The basic principle of Feng Shui is based on the concept of Ch’i- a life force that permeates<br>home, physical surroundings, rivers, roads, mountains, trees and all people. Feng Shui is the<br>practice of maximizing the positive flow of energy through dispersing and removing the negative<br>flow.<br>Feng Shui fact: Hong Kong is a city that is entirely shaped by Feng Shui.<br><b><u>Feng Shui and the West</u></b><br>Feng Shui’s popularity in the West, particularly in the USA, is owing to its simple and<br>fundamental emphasis on achieving balance, harmony and peace. This ancient and revered<br>form requiring a small, and sometimes commonsensical, effort on placement of furniture,<br>mindfulness in picking colors and integrating with nature, convinced many a believer about the<br>force of Feng Shui.<br>With the growing population of Chinese and other East Asian communities, Feng Shui’s<br>knowledge and practice has grown in all major cities in the US. It is even taught as a special<br>course in major architectural colleges, like UCLA.<br>Some basic principles of Feng Shui regarding a home- one’s most powerful and stabilizing<br>place- are highlighted here.<br><b><u>Identify commanding position</u></b><br>One of the most fundamental principles in feng shui for home is the commanding position; it<br>determines how you position yourself in life. Objects like bed, desk and stove are central to this<br>concept: You, your career, your health respectively.<br>The philosophy behind this is that the main door of a room called “mouth of chi” is said to be the<br>portal through which energy enters into your home and life. Therefore, these objects should be<br>in clear view from the main door but not in direct line with it.<br><b>Use colors </b><br>The use of color in feng shui relates to the five elements:<br>earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. <br>These five elements found in nature are used to bring in energy to create balance. <br>Different colors can be used to bring in the desired kind of abundance into your home.<br><b>Earth element:</b> Adding more of the earth element brings in self-care, stability, health and<br>knowledge. The colors for this element include earthy tones of yellow, orange, and brown. A<br>dark-brown wood headboard can be used to ground your relationship.<br><b>Metal element:</b> The metal element brings in precision, simplicity and clarity. Bring in this energy<br>with grays, whites, off-whites, and metallic tones. For example, a silver metal frame for your<br>vision board can direct and expedite your goals.<br><b>Water element:</b> If you'd like to invite more flow of wisdom, intuition and fluidity into your spaces,<br>accents of black call upon the element of water.<br></p><br></p><span></div><div style=' background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font-size:15px;font-family:Verdana;width:auto;padding:5px;max-height:100%;'><span><p>Try sitting in a black or dark blue chair when you study. Placing aquariums, water fountains not<br>only add beauty, but also enhance the energy of water.<br><b>Wood element:</b> Wood element represents vitality, growth, and kindness. This element can help<br>kick-start new beginnings and bring life into a space. Teal pillows on your sofa can bring life to<br>the party. House plants are a great way to bring in freshness to the ambience and positive<br>perspectives in life.<br><b>Fire element:</b> Finally, the fire element: it represents inspiration, passion and vitality. The color<br>red belongs to this element and is magnetizing; it can illuminate your space when you need<br>more passion or recognition. <br>Bring in fire energy with fresh red flowers, or painted accent walls. Light is another great way to<br>boost this energy; so, bring out those candles or brighten up the space with light fixtures.<br><u><b>Clean and clear your entrance</b></u><br>The entrance of the house represents the archway to the outside world.<br>It’s also how the world sees you, like a first impression. Maintain the front door and be sure to<br>keep this area well lit, clean and clutter-free.<br><b><u>Energize your living room</u></b><br>This is the space where you gather with family and friends. The maximum energy recharge is<br>required here as people bring with them their own Ch’i elements that can disrupt the balance.<br>Declutter, air out, make the furniture comfortable and facing each other, keep atmosphere lively<br>and warm with plants and color.<br><u><b>Balance your bedroom</b></u><br>Bedroom is the most important room in Feng Shui philosophy. It’s your most passive and<br>personal space. A strong headboard is a must. Avoid feet facing the door- called the ‘coffin<br>position’. Choose a calming color for your bedroom and have space on both sides of your bed.<br>This means that you’ve made space for your partner.<br>Some important Dos and Don’ts to follow:<br><b>DO</b><br>Keep windows and doors clean<br>Keep plants and aquariums looking fresh<br>Use mirrors in right places to reflect beautiful views<br>Use symmetry whenever possible, especially in the kitchen<br>Keep plumbing pipes and electrical wiring in good condition<br>Choose inspiring and powerful artwork<br><br><b>DON’T</b><br>Block doors<br>Use broken items<br>Overstuff your closets<br>Store things under your bed<br>Clutter bedroom with artwork and mirrors<br></p><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><span></div>